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Cotentin celebrates Ireland!

Church of Sainte Colombe 12 rue Cochard, Sainte Colombe, France

With Zoé Gosset, soprano. Franck Martin: Trio; Joan Trimble: Phantasy Trio; Ludwig Van Beethoven: Irish Songs WoO 152;

Juventutti tour at Victoria Hall

Victoria Hall Rue du Général Dufour 14, Geneva

With the Juventutti Orchestra, conducted by Clément Dromart & Amanta Nasution. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Triple Concerto; Modeste Moussorgski: Pictures at an Exhibition;

Juventutti tour at Salle Frank Martin

Frank Martin Hall Rue Mina Audermars 3, Geneva, Switzerland

With the Juventutti Orchestra, conducted by Clément Dromart & Amanta Nasution. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Triple Concerto; Modeste Moussorgski: Pictures at an Exhibition;

Juventutti tour at Salle Franz Liszt

Franz Liszt Hall Place de Neuve 5, Geneva, Switzerland

With the Juventutti Orchestra, conducted by Clément Dromart & Amanta Nasution. As part of the CMG Marathon. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Triple Concerto; Modeste Moussorgski: Pictures at an Exhibition;

Juventutti tour at Paderewski Hall

Paderewski Hall Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3, Lausanne, Switzerland

With the Juventutti Orchestra, conducted by Clément Dromart & Amanta Nasution. Ludwig Van Beethoven: Triple Concerto; Modeste Moussorgski: Pictures at an Exhibition;

Bee Classical!

Salle Bartholoni Place de Neuve 5, Geneva, Switzerland